Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Case Log for Monte Plata 2011

Here is a listing of the cases done and also a listing of some of the interesting cases seen in surgery.


Tubal Ligation 7
Abdominal Hysterectomy 5
Vaginal Hysterectomy 3
Urethral Sling Procedure 2
Anterior Colporraphy 2
Anterior / Posterior Colporraphy 1
Posterior Colporraphy 1
I & D Bartholin Cyst 1
Inguinal Hernia 16
Epigastric Hernia 4
Umbilical Hernia 6
Incisional Hernia 1
Hydrocoelectomy 2
Cholecystectomy 2
Hemorrhoidectomy 3
Breast Biopsy 5
Circumcision 4
Thyroid Cystectomy 1

Removal of Ingrown toenail 1
Removal of Extra Digit 4
Excision of Ganglion Cyst 6
Excision of Lump and Skin Lesion 43

Notes on Scheduling for 2011
1. 52 of 184 consults did not have or need surgery.
2. No Show analysis by day:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Scheduled but not done 3 5 2 5 2 0 2 0
Cancelled 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0
Rescheduled 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Did Not Show 0 3 2 4 1 0 2 0

Interesting Cases
1. An elderly man with a fluid filled cyst over his Thyroid. Had extremely elevated BP. Prior Thyroidectomy probably malignant but no path.
2. 2 year old with large umbilical hernia, turned out to have been an omphalocoel repaired at birth. Entire abdominal wall gone.
3. 2 year old for circumcision, weighed #1 at birth spent 4 months in hosp is Santa Domingo.
4. Lady came in her mid 20’s with a 2 year old for circumcision. She was Haitian with no passport, citizenship card, can’t speak English, Spanish or French. Also she can’t read or write.
5. Follow up visit on patient with Breast Cancer who had mastectomy on last project and drains placed. See 2 times once for drain removal and once for staple removal. I had to aspirate a seroma when she came for staple removal. She had a sister with her who had a lump she wanted removed and it was a cyst.
6. Two patients with neurofibromatosis.
7. Twin 2 year old boys with extra digits on both hands.
8. 16 year old boy with scrotal mass. Turned out to be a varicocoel. Mass disappeared when he was in preop lying down for an hour.
9. Cancelled several men for hypertension, some as high as 110 diastolic but no symptoms.
10. Patient came in to have his hernia fixed. Showed me his CT scan. I looked at it in the window and it was a lumbar spine. Found out his hernia was in his disc in his back.
11. Saw several neck masses including, thyroglossal duct cyst, goiter, parotid tumor, lymph nodes, and submandibular glands.
12. Many patients with keloid scars on ears, face, chest and legs.
13. Lots of umbilical hernia on kids less than 4 years.
14. Several young women with tender breast due to fibrocystic changes.
15. Saddest case was a 12 boy who had an accidental gunshot thru the back. They saw us at church on Sunday and ask if they could see us. Mom and grandma brought him in on Monday to see if we could do anything since he was incontinent of urine and stool and getting pressure sores on his hips. They had his record and CT which showed a hole thru the T 11 and T12 vertebrae from the bullets path. Didn’t have anything t

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